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My Books


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Holiday Freedom
A dramatic story, of a girl born into slavery that can't wait for the Holidays. Sarah can't wait until her Dad tell her the good news, so that she can visit her family on another plantation. After playing with her slave owner's daughter, Cindy, Sarah needs a break from all the bragging. The Holiday's was the only time Sarah and her family would have freedom away from the plantation.
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Thanksgiving on our Plantation


Tomas, a young 11-year old boy born on Mr. Jones plantation that was full of adventure. It was during the Thanksgiving holidays and he really enjoy spending time with family and plantation friends. Read this wonderful book to see how a typical Thanksgiving was for Tomas, his family, and friends. Africans took time to be thankful for what they had, which of course was not much. The slaves who worked in the fields would often go out and catch wild game for their family and close slave friends. The women would prepare cornmeal cakes, or pone cakes to go along with the game. The house slaves had it better than the field slaves; house slaves feasted on the leftovers from the "main house" after the slave-owners finished their meals.​

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Just Looking not Buying



Sue birthday was coming tomorrow and she notice the most beautiful dress in this department store. Unfortunately, there is one sign on the store stopping Sue's mom from buying her that dress. Read this book and see how Sue's birthday turns out.
Black Americans faced many disadvantages during the 1950's. In short they were discriminated; from public services, to cafe's and restaurants. After the American Civil War in 1865, black people in the American south were no longer slaves. But they had never gained equality with whites. Blacks had remained second classed citizens throughout their movement to America, with the worst paid unskilled jobs in farms and factories.

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The Long Walk to School


At the age of 9, Ruth loved school. She didn’t much care for the walk she had to make to get there every day, however, and didn’t really enjoy the chores that she and her sisters had to do each day as well.
Racial segregation was alive and well in those days and white Americans kept African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities, such as buses, theaters and restaurants.
When allowed into auditoriums and theaters, blacks occupied separate sections. They also attended segregated schools and churches, like Ruth and her family.
But this was how life was in 1933, at school, in the community and around the farm where she lived and played. Read her absorbing story here, to get a feel for what life was like in the United States not so very long ago.

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Our New World


Adom is a young African boy, living in the early 1600's. He loves his simple life, surrounded by a loving family and friends and the protection of his tribe. But things are about to change for Adom, and for countless thousands of other Africans, who have their lives turned upside down when English slavers arrive on the coast in great ships. Ripped apart from everything that he has ever known, Adom is soon to be transported to a ‘New World’ filled with strange things, endless days of toil and extreme brutality. Find out what happens to Adom and his family, as they begin a perilous journey to this new world, where nothing will ever be the same again. This series of children’s books is a great way for youngsters to begin to understand the history of slavery and why so many were uprooted and transported around the world for the sake of profit.

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The Long Voyage


Part II. Adom has left his village. Still no sign of his mother and siblings. They enter into this small room full of villagers awaiting to be transported to the new world. What is Adom next adventure and what do he have to look forward to?

A Mothers Love


Momma....Momma.... MOMMA!! The void will never be filled and our hearts will forever remain lonely Empty of your presence (talking about Edna's excellence) and your motherly touch We're your product in which you loved so much As every day goes by and the hours pass you're finally in your Heavenly Home with Esau, Elijah and Mama Cora at last We feel your strength even though you may not be around In fact, we all know you're in Heaven looking down The pain of loss is explored with a deft and sensitive touch in this book which is dedicated to the lengths that all mothers will go to in order to care and provide for their children. If your family has experienced the pain of the loss of a mother, then it will be eased in the knowledge that they stay with us forever and will never be forgotten. This book was created for parents, to help them to explain the loss of a loved one to children, helping them to grieve and cope with what is an overwhelming loss and offering the support we all need, so that they can cherish the memories and remember all the good things about their mother.

Can I be a dinosaur? Oh, Please! Oh, Please!


Ever wish you could do anything when you are a dinosaur? Join Garrick as he transforms into a tree-eating dinosaur! Go on an adventurous journey and learn all about dinosaurs and how it feels to be a strong brave dinosaur.

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